Annual Performance Review Questions for 2024

Organizations seem to be placing a greater emphasis on performance management and employee development than ever before. A key component of this process is the annual performance review. When done correctly, allows managers to assess employee performance, collaborate to set goals for the future, and work through constructive feedback. It’s a formal “conversation” that is a MUST for any organization, regardless of their size and culture.

However, the quality of this process is highly dependent on the annual performance review questions that are in the survey. A set of focused, and targeted annual performance review questions can ensure the reviews are both meaningful and effective.

Whether you're conducting performance reviews in a small business or a large enterprise, the right questions can unlock insights that drive growth and improve organizational performance. If you’re unsure how to craft impactful review questions, here are the top 5 categories to focus on in 2024.

1. Evaluating Core Job Performance

At the heart of any annual performance review lies the need to assess an employee’s ability to fulfill their primary job responsibilities. Asking the right questions helps to uncover whether they are meeting expectations, or better yet, exceeding them.

Key Questions:

  • How well did the employee meet the objectives set at the beginning of the review period?
  • What are the employee's greatest strengths in their current role?
  • In what areas could they improve to increase job performance and effectiveness?

These questions allow both the manager and the employee to reflect on accomplishments and identify areas for development.

2. Encouraging Professional Growth

According to Gallup (2023), employees who feel encouraged to develop their skills are more engaged and productive. Annual performance reviews provide a perfect opportunity to assess an individual’s commitment to growth and career development.

Key Questions:

  • What new skills has the employee developed over the past year?
  • How has the employee contributed to the growth and success of the team?
  • What areas of training or development would help the employee in their role?

These questions promote ongoing professional development and ensure the employee is receiving the resources and guidance needed to succeed. When an organization is committed to the growth of their people, the same level of commitment is returned to the business.

3. Measuring Communication and Collaboration

In today’s hybrid work environment, communication and collaboration are essential skills for any role. Performance review questions that touch on these aspects can help uncover strengths and potential areas for overall team improvement.

Key Questions:

  • How effectively does the employee communicate with their peers and supervisors?
  • Does the employee contribute to a collaborative team environment?
  • How does the employee handle conflicts or difficult conversations?

By understanding an employee’s communication style, organizations can help foster better teamwork and resolve any interpersonal issues that may arise.

4. Assessing Goal Alignment and Accountability

A performance review isn’t just about looking back on what has been accomplished, but also setting future goals that align with organizational objectives. By asking the right questions, managers can ensure that employees are aligned with the company’s strategic vision.

Key Questions:

  • How has the employee contributed to achieving the team’s or company’s goals?
  • Were the goals set at the beginning of the review period realistic and achievable?
  • What are the employee’s goals for the next review period, and how do they align with company objectives?

These questions allow both parties to clearly outline expectations moving forward, ensuring accountability and progress tracking.

5. Improving Job Satisfaction and Engagement

Employee engagement is closely linked to job satisfaction, and a thoughtful performance review process can help identify factors that contribute to an employee’s overall happiness at work. Understanding an employee’s level of satisfaction is key to retention and workplace morale.

Key Questions:

  • What aspects of your job do you find most fulfilling?
  • Are there any challenges or obstacles that have impacted your job satisfaction this year?
  • What can the organization do to improve your work experience?

By addressing these points, employers can gauge employee engagement and take proactive steps to improve retention and satisfaction.


A set of well-constructed annual performance review questions remain the cornerstone of effective performance management. By asking thoughtful and structured questions, organizations can ensure that their reviews are more than just a formality. These questions provide valuable insights into employee performance, growth, communication, and job satisfaction.

When done well, the annual performance review can serve as a powerful tool to foster continuous improvement, align employee goals with the company’s mission, and strengthen organizational culture. As the business landscape evolves, having a clear and impactful review process will help companies stay competitive and ensure employees thrive in their roles.