Conducting a Culture Check-in Survey for Organizations in 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Organizational culture has never been a more critical success factor than in 2024. From employee satisfaction, to productivity, business performance, and ultimately, the bottom line. With continuous disruptions to the workplace around remote/hybrid work, AI integrations, and the increasing focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). Truth is, conducting regular check-in surveys is a necessity. A questionnaire that deep dives into the employee experience will aid organizations to foster a positive and productive environment. In turn, this will lead to a sustainable growth in face of an ever-changing business landscape.


Culture Check-ins Are About Consistency:

  1. Employee Engagement and Retention:

According to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace 2023 report, only 23% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. While it may be a Gen Z term, quiet quitting happens more than you think. Regular culture check-ins can identify red flags early on and address them together as an organization.

  1. Identifying Areas for Improvement:

A study by Deloitte revealed that 79% of employees believe that their company has a significant retention and engagement problem. Regular feedback highlights areas where the organization may be falling short. A common one is a lack of efficient communication channels between leadership and employees. Another one we see a lot is a lack of personal and professional development.

  1. Promoting Transparency and Trust:

By actively seeking employee input and acting on it, organizations build a culture of trust and openness. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, only 63% of employees trust their employer, making transparency a key factor in maintaining and improving this trust. Don’t be afraid to summarise the survey results, and share it with the whole organisation. Our team believes in sharing an Employee Communications Document for every iteration of a culture survey.

  1. Enhancing Organizational Performance:

A positive culture is linked to higher productivity, creativity, and overall performance. Research by the Harvard Business Review shows that companies with strong cultures saw a 4x increase in revenue growth.


Key Elements of an Effective Culture Check-in Survey

  1. Clear Objectives:

Start by defining the purpose of the survey. Have a maximum of 3 – 5 clearly outlined goals and outcomes. Don’t be afraid to ask the tough questions. For example:

  • Measuring the effectiveness of a recent change?
  • Is it work-life balance?
  • Workplace Health & Safety?
  1. Anonymity and Confidentiality:

Ensure that responses are anonymous to encourage honesty. This means only analysing and reporting group-level data. You’d be surprised the level of detail and honesty that employees are willing to provide when they know it’s entirely anonymous and confidential.

  1. Relevant and Comprehensive Questions:

Nothing is worse than a survey that isn’t relevant to the respondents. It’s important to customize the survey questionnaire to ensure respondents are eager to give their opinions. We’d recommend an 80-20 split of questions, 80% rating scales (quantitative) and 20% open-ended (qualitative).

  1. Timely and Transparent Communication:

Communicate the purpose and importance of the survey beforehand. After the survey, share the key findings and the steps the organization will take in response. This is arguably the most important step so stay on top of it.


Sample Questions for a Culture Check-in Survey

  • How satisfied are you with your current work environment?
  • Do you feel that the company’s leadership effectively communicates its vision and goals? Please explain.
  • How would you rate the company’s efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion?
  • What aspects of your job do you find most and least satisfying?
  • Do you feel valued and recognized for your contributions at work?
  • What changes would you suggest improving the overall workplace culture?


Analysing and Acting on Survey Results

  1. Data Analysis:

Keep it simple. Identify useful trends through the quantitative data (i.e., ratings). Start on a summary level and drill down to key specifics. Create a list of development areas and identify the top 3 priority items. Subsequently, does the qualitative responses (i.e., comments) reflect the sentiment?

  1. Action Plans:

Develop actionable strategies based on survey results. Prioritize areas that require immediate attention and create a timeline for implementing changes. According to McKinsey, organizations that act on employee feedback see a 21% increase in productivity.

  1. Follow-up:

Regularly update employees on the progress of implemented changes. Conduct follow-up surveys to assess the impact of these changes and maintain continuous improvement. Here’s what we recommend:

  • Conduct mini pulse surveys every 8 weeks focusing on the Action Plan progress.
  • Repeat the Check-in Survey either bi-annually or annually.


Take Home

In 2024, culture check-in surveys are a MUST for organizations aiming to thrive in a dynamic and competitive environment. By consistently gauging and addressing the sentiments of their workforce, companies can build a resilient, inclusive, and high-performing culture. This not only enhances employee well-being but also drives long-term organizational success. Conducting these surveys with a clear strategy, thoughtful questions, and a commitment to action will ensure that the organization remains aligned with the evolving needs and expectations of its employees.

If you don’t know where or how to start, send an email to our team with a list of questions and we’ll give you our thoughts.

Want a list of sample questions in an employee survey? Download our template.