Encourage Others by Giving Recognition and Showing Appreciation for Their Efforts
- Realise that everyone needs to feel valued and appreciated.
- Understand the motivating power of recognition and rewards
- Never pass up an opportunity to acknowledge a job well done
- Never pass up an opportunity to show gratitude for extra effort, hard work, long hours
- Let others in the company know of the accomplishments of your team.
- Give recognition to deserving people as soon as possible after their achievement.
- Make sure everyone's contribution to a successful group effort is acknowledged.
- To keep morale up, don't wait until completion of a lengthy project to celebrate. Recognisemilestones along the way. Celebrating small victories will promote continued progress toward yourgoal.
- Use traditional forms of recognition (like the company newsletter) and rewards (a bonus check), butalso come up with some appropriate, creative ways to reward outstanding performance.
- Give frequent praise to reinforce positive behaviours.
- Realise that short phrases like 'thank you,' 'good job' and 'nice work' can have big impact.
- As much as possible, make the work experience challenging and satisfying.
Be a Positive Influence in the Work Environment
- Convey an optimistic, can-do attitude. Expect great results.
- Address problems, but don't dwell on them.
- Provide encouragement during stressful times.
- Create an atmosphere where there is enthusiasm for a project and support for one another.
- Look for ways to make the workplace fun
For more information, please contact us:
- T: + 61 2 9936 9000
- F: + 61 2 9936 9036
- E: info@multiratersurveys.com